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How to Participate
We hope to invite all patients attending Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Trust who have a diagnosis or possible diagnosis of cancer to donate samples to the Biobank. Our first contact is to send or hand out an information leaflet or provide the website link to the Guy’s and St Thomas’ Research Biobanking page:
These documents explain why we’re asking you to donate samples and what it actually involves. If you agree to donate some tissue, blood and data, we will ask you to complete a consent form. This form also allows you to choose how your samples and data can be used in the future.
The information leaflet and consent forms have been written with the help of patients to make sure they are suitable and clearly explains everything you may want to know.
An independent research ethics committee has also approved the information leaflet and consent forms.
Before deciding, you will always have an opportunity to discuss donating to the Biobank with one of our representatives or with your clinical care team.