Biobanking Game
" Let Sammy Sample show you how the biobank helps researchers find new treatments for Cancer.​
Play the game now on the tablet devices below. Just tap on the Sammy icon to start the game.
It only takes a few minutes.
Why a Game About Biobanking?
We know that many patients struggle with the amount of information they receive at or before their hospital appointment, not only about their condition but also joining clinical trials or studies. That may mean your biobank information sheet is at the bottom of the pile, unread.
We always try to talk to patients about our biobank but these discussions have to be squeezed in during a busy clinic. So, we decided to take another approach to informing patients and seeking their consent that was easier for overloaded patients and for busy staff.
We created a digital game containing all the essential ingredients of an information leaflet but it’s interactive, fun and easy to use. It works on any device and the patient can play whenever and wherever they choose. The app can be loaded onto screens in the clinic or patients can download the app onto their own device.
How Does It Work?
‘Sammy the Sample’ is your guide and he will take you on a journey from hospital clinic to biobank to research lab. Along the way he’ll show you the impact that research using donated samples has made on patient care today. He’ll also test your knowledge – that's the game part. The game is easy to use and can be played in several sessions.
Were patients involved in the development?​
Yes, they were very involved in the development. We invited patients and visitors to participate from the outset, from concept, character development and storyline. They pulled no punches in telling us what they liked, didn’t like and wanted in the game. So, it has certainly been well tested on patient volunteers.​